Beautiful People

Beautiful People

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Hello World, Thanksgiving

Due to popular demand and a lot of peer pressure (thanks Rachel and Amber...) I'm finally starting a blog. I can't promise that the posts will be exciting or even interesting, but if you have any major complaints, feel free to take them up with my sisters. :)

As for recent events, we celebrated thanksgiving up in Rexburg this weekend. Taylor's sister Aubrie, her husband Jedi and two kids live up there. We spent a lot of time eating and watching football, which counts as a very successful Thanksgiving in my book. I even got to go black Friday shopping with my aunt Cindy and the Richardson girls. They definitely had more stamina than me and probably would have been out much later if I hadn't wimped out at 5am. Maybe with increased training I'll eventually be able to keep up with the marathon shoppers! I got some great deals though and a good start on my Christmas shopping. Now it's back to the grind until Christmas Break!


  1. I can't tell you how excited I am that you started a blog :) Welcome to the blogging world!

  2. Yeah Kara I am excited I think it will be great. Love ua
