Beautiful People

Beautiful People

Friday, December 9, 2011

Cute AND Smart!

This year has been a busy one for Taylor. He's finishing up his last year of undergrad, working part time, studying for all the tests he needs to take for grad school and still finding time to be a great husband. He took the GRE in September and did awesome on it. So good in fact, the mechanical engineering department at BYU has pretty much guaranteed his acceptance. For most people, that would be good enough, but not Taylor. He's decided that he not only wants to get a masters in ME, but he might as well get a masters in business at the same time! A couple of schools (Including BYU and U of U) offer a dual masters program that only takes 3 years and having the dual degree significantly increases your chances of getting a job after you graduate. So, that meant that Taylor had to study his brains out once more to get ready to take the GMAT for applying to the business school. After a month of studying like crazy, he finally took the GMAT this week. No surprise here, but he killed it! He beat the average for both the U of U and BYU programs by 40 points! We went to a dinner the other day for prospective U of U grad students and it was fun to watch the program directors drool over him when he told them what he got on the GMAT and GRE. :) Now the next step is applying to schools and waiting to see who is smart enough to accept my brilliant husband!


  1. I love everything about this post! Way to go Taylor!

  2. awesome, you rock Taylor, love you!

  3. Taylor can join the "Cute and Smart" club. I, as the president of that club, approve.
