Beautiful People

Beautiful People

Monday, June 18, 2012

Happy Father's Day!

It was a lot different celebrating Father's day this year, knowing that Taylor and I are actually going to be parents in just over a month. When I get a little nervous about the prospect of Taylor and I being responsible for raising a little boy I remember how lucky we are to have had such great examples of amazing fathers in our lives. Both of our Dads have given us such a great example to follow. They are both outstanding examples of love, selfless service and sacrifice. So when in doubt, I know we can look to them for an example of how to move forward. 

While pregnancy hasn't been the funnest thing I've ever done, I've enjoyed sharing this experience with Taylor. It's so fun to see his excitement when he feels our little guy moving and to watch as he is trying to wrap his head around being a father. Ever since I met Taylor I knew that he would be a great father. He is so good with children and they all seem to love him! I'm so grateful for the great men in my life, especially for Taylor. He is a great husband and I know he will make an amazing father.

Look at him! What a man! Of course I didn't manage to get a picture  of his struggle to chop the wood right before this... it looked slightly less manly ;)
He's cute AND smart! Here's hoping our son gets his father's brains!!
 As for me, the pregnancy continues marching on. I have about 6 weeks left and I am ready for baby to be here!! It's been getting hotter here in Utah and that has made life a little less comfortable, but luckily I'm still sleeping great at night. The hardest part for me has been having to accept my physical limitations and slow down just a little. I still work out but I can't run because it hurts my hips so I'm relegated to walking and using the elliptical. I'm still coaching volleyball but I can't play with the girls as much either. I'm looking forward to being able to get back to everything after the baby so life can get back to a little more normal activity level.
Camping while 7 1/2 months pregnant? yup! A little uncomfortable, but still fun

Here's the long awaited pregnancy picture. This picture is a direct result of Amber's begging.


  1. Yes, yes, yes!!! I love it! And you look absolutely beautiful as I knew you would. I love that blue dress on you. I can't wait to meet baby Remington - pregnancy isn't always fun, but the end result is certainly worth it and it will be here before you know it.
